Yokohama: Achievements & Free Agents Promo (2017)

Seth Jaffee
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Описание «Yokohama: Achievements & Free Agents Promo»

Yokohama: Promo Tiles is a punch sheet of two unique promos for Yokohama.

Promo #1: Achievement Reward Tokens

Setup: Randomly choose 4 achievement reward tokens to place near the achievement cards. Return the rest to the box.

Rules: When completing all 3 achievements, collect one of the achievement rewards and keep it face up in front of you. You may count achievement reward flags toward obtaining foreign agents and scoring for country icons at the end of the game. You may use achievement reward free agents like any other foreign agent during your free action phase.

Promo #2: Free Agent 5-power Tokens

Setup: Mix these free agent tokens into the supply of 5-power tokens and setup the game as normal.

Rules: When you collect a free agent token, keep it face up in front of you. You may use it like any other foreign agent during your free action phase.


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