Zaklinacze: Śmierć w Szlamie (2016)

Rafał Cywicki, Jacek Gołębiowski
Драфт карт, Сбор предметов
Время игры
30 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Zaklinacze: Śmierć w Szlamie»

In the fantasy card-drafting game Enchanters, you create an artifact and upgrade it each turn. Every card you take retains some of its power. As you grow stronger, you can take on more powerful monsters and, if you plan well, even defeat a dragon.

In the Śmierć w Szlamie expansion you will find two new decks to use in game. Are you ready to face slimy Oozes? Or maybe you want to get rid of those pesky Undead.

Of course, those two decks means not only new enemies, but also new cards to create your own powerful artefact to fight with.


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