Zombicide: Green Horde – North the Halfling (2018)

Raphaël Guiton, Jean-Baptiste Lullien, Nicolas Raoult
Ужас, Зомби, Приключения, Сражения
Кооператив, Бросание кубиков, Модульное поле, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Zombicide: Green Horde – North the Halfling»

1 North the Halfling Exclusive Survivor figure and ID card.

“Don't hide from curiosity! Throw open the door! ...Well, unless you hear zombies behind it.”

North's true name is somewhat unpronounceable by humans, so he shortened it for his friends' benefit. As he was born with an unerring sense of direction (even on the darkest nights or beneath thick clouds), the moniker fits perfectly. If there's a beating heart to their ragtag group, it's North. His song and stories keep them going, no matter the odds. North wanted nothing more than to journey the world, see new sights, and meet everyone he could find. The zombie menace has not deterred his ambitions.

Blue +1 free Search Action
Yellow +1 Action
Orange +1 die: Combat, Slippery
Red +1 free Move Action, Lucky

Body slot - This slot may hold a Torch instead


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