Zooloretto: Goodie-Box (2012)

Michael Schacht
Сбор предметов, Размещение тайлов
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Zooloretto: Goodie-Box»

Zooloretto: Goodie-Box consists of five mini-expansions for Zooloretto or Aquaretto, with four of the expansions appearing previously in Zooloretto/Aquaretto expansion packs published by Rio Grande Games, but not published in Germany. The expansions are:

  • Zooloretto
    • The Familiarisation Area – The familiarisation area fits around the zoo board. It has space for 1 animal tile that can be put there for free. This tile doesn't score any points at the end of the game, neither plus nor minus points. During the game this tile can be moved into the zoo for free or you can trade for an animal in another familiarisation area for 1 coin. So basically this is a temporary "storage" for animals.
    • The Petting Zoo – Each player receives a petting zoo and can place up to two baby animals in this space, receiving one coin for the first animal and two for the second. These animals cannot be moved and generate no points.
  • Aquaretto
    • The Trains – Eighteen train tiles, showing trains in one of four colors or a curved track, are mixed with the other tiles. When you take a train tile, you place it in an empty space in your zoo. Each subsequent train tile must connect to existing ones. Each type of train tile is worth two points at game's end.
    • Three Coworker Tiles – These tiles are placed in the center of the table and can be claimed when a player gets coworkers. Each tile is different and cannot be used by other players once claimed.
  • Either game
    • The Savings Book – Each player receives a savings book that depicts the numbers 1-4. Instead of a normal action, the player can place a coin on 1 in his savings book. At the end of a round, a coin in the savings book advances one space, returning to the player – along with an extra coin – when it reaches 4.


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