Zoom Inspector Spellor’s Investigations (2019)

Silvia Baldi, Susi Cazzaniga, Christian Cornia, Marilisa Cotroneo, Stefano Martinuz, Fransesco Zito
Детская, Дедукция, Обучающие, В реальном времени
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
20 — 30 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Zoom Inspector Spellor’s Investigations»

10 crime scenes and many cases to solve… but not all the clues are obvious and not all the trails identified lead to a solution. Can you be a careful observer and find all the hidden details? Can you help Inspector Spellor in his investigation? To do this you will need to be faster than your playmates in finding all the words. By drawing the Chance cards and rolling the dice, you will continue the investigation, which will change from one game to the next. Each time the clues and the words to be found will be different. Their orthographic difficulties will put you to the test. Happy investigating everyone!


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